September 10, 2024


Have you noticed the stark difference between Android and Apple devices? Especially in the smartphone segment. A figure, the difference is very visible and can even be considered quite significant. Android devices at first glance look greedy for RAM. But does the difference between these numbers affect the performance of the two devices?

Table of Contents

Memory Management

The basic difference is in the OS used, Android which is open source, while IOS is closed source. Of the outstanding range of Android smartphones, they can synergize with various types of processors and different brands. While IOS can only be used exclusively for Apple products. As a result, Android smartphones will have many variants targeting different segments as well. This you will not find on Apple with their IOS.

Java Virtual Machine

Building and Executing a Java Program

Open Source, we can develop Android-based applications that can be used on different devices. To be able to accommodate this, a programming language that can run across platforms is Java. This programming language runs on a virtual machine. You don’t have to bother rewriting and compiling your code, because everything is already done by the virtual machine.

Runs on multiple platforms, making java and its virtual machines require more RAM to get started, and operate complex virtual machines. One of the reasons why Android needs more RAM is because it is built using Java. Looks greedy RAM?

Don’t forget, because of Android and its synergies with various platforms and brands, it can answer crucial market needs. It can be developed and occupy various segments and selling prices, even specific according to the needs of certain brands. All that does not happen to IOS, which is exclusively for Apple products, even the processor, camera design, and body.

Garbage Collection

Android uses the garbage collection method, where applications are allowed to use as much RAM as they need. Every time Android will clean the data in RAM if the application has not been used for a long time (Garbage collection). Of course, this method will be much more optimal if Android has more RAM.

So to receive all notifications at the same time, each app must leave a trail in the background. The advantage is that notifications received can enter faster, but the drawback is that this process will take up more memory in RAM.

Okay, now we are starting to get an idea, of why Android needs a lot of RAM to operate. Well, now let’s see from the IOS side why IOS can use less RAM.

Hardware and Software Integration

iOS is not designed for products other than those made by Apple. This means that Apple itself creates devices to run iOS. If you want to use iOS, use iPhone. If you want to make IOS applications, you also have to use Apple software (Swift). Apple makes its own rules.

What’s the advantage? Apple creates an optimal ecosystem. They even created their processor chip, of course, designed in such a way as to optimize the way IOS works. Unlike Android, which needs to work with various types and types of processors, IOS will only run on ARM-based processors designed by Apple.

IOS itself does not require a virtual machine to run applications as Android does. Because applications can be executed directly by hardware that has been optimized for IOS


Unlike Android which allows apps to take up RAM as they need it, iOS doesn’t work that way. IOS will allocate memory automatically when needed by the application. This means IOS doesn’t need a Garbage Collector like Android. Here is a weakness of IOS, because actually, IOS does not do multitasking applications purely like Android.

Well, that’s why sometimes iPhone users lose the last application a few seconds after opening another application. Even on the latest iPhones, memory management is better and the amount of RAM has increased on the latest iPhones (not as big as Android) so that multitasking of apps is still possible.

So the question keeps coming up? How can we still receive Line, Instagram, and Facebook notifications? even though IOS has closed all these applications and allocated memory to the applications that we open now?

This is smart IOS, they use a unified notification system. Looks like not greedy RAM right?


What is a unified notification system? Apple simplifies the communication system of its devices. Apple makes IOS always connected to only one protocol, namely the communication protocol on the Apple server.

When we use an application, for example using Line, we send a message to our crush, then the message will be sent directly to the Line server, and then by the Line server it will be sent to our crush. Then we move to want to play the PUBG game. PUBG, of course, needs a lot of RAM, finally, IOS will close the Line application in the background so that we can play PUBG smoothly.

Some time playing PUBG, it’s almost chicken dinner, our crush just replied to our Line message. Server Line will send a crushing message to our smartphone but first, he will pass the Apple server. Why do you have to go through Apple Server first? Can you do it right away? Yep, you can’t, because the Line application has been closed by IOS. But as explained earlier, IOS will always be connected to the Apple Server communication protocol, so IOS can receive this crush’s Line notification from the Apple Server.

Good or Bad?

This also applies to all applications such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Apple Server will be in charge of receiving notifications from these applications and sending them to our iPhone. By making IOS always connected to the Apple Server, the iPhone can receive all application notifications even if the application is not running in the background.

In the end, this is an advantage, because IOS only needs to be connected to one communication protocol, namely Apple Server and does not need to require a lot of RAM to run all applications like Android. This is why IOS can be more optimal, only requires a small amount of RAM, and even though the IOS battery has a small capacity, it can last longer.

That was an explanation of the differences in how Android and IOS work, hopefully, it can give you an idea of why IOS is better at memory management and looks smoother. Android is not a greedy RAM, it just took what is needed.

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