October 7, 2024
Blog and coffee

Refers to online media that contains writing, photography, and other media. A blog is a place where content creators publish their works in digital form. Later, the activity of uploading content to this website is called blogging. Weblog, which is the original name of the website we now know as a blog. “Log” which is the timestamp of the documentation created and Refers to the relevant system. In this context, it is the documentation and timestamp of the content that we upload to the website.

Why Blogging

Blogging cannot be separated from the two-way communication, between content creators and their readers, which is a significant differentiator from traditional websites. Blogging contains specific content, unlike traditional websites that contain products or services. With two-way communication and specific content on the blog, it is possible to exchange information from readers or fellow bloggers (people who do blogging activities). You have a “log” of viewed “diaries”, and the content you upload is also useful for others, whether your travel experiences, car repairs, and so on. So, let’s give blogging advantages for a blogger.

Benefits of Blogging

Blogging gives real benefits, here I will describe briefly, what are the benefits that can be obtained from blogging. And what potential can be developed to get more benefits

Help Each Other

Ngulikenak often shares articles about coffee, coffee brewing tips, tutorials, and experiments that specifically discuss coffee. Indonesia, where ngulikenak is located, has a unique coffee culture. Therefore, we try to provide valid information, based on credible literature, coupled with real practice. Help each other, either directly or indirectly.
Helping directly, people who come to our coffee shop usually hang out and will be free to discuss coffee freely! That’s a unique culture here. We enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with loved ones.
Help indirectly. You, who are reading this article. We don’t know each other, but you can read my article about coffee on the “Perkopian” menu. We hope that ngulikenak.net can provide answers to your questions about coffee.


The article published on ngulikenak.net is a documentation of the activities we have done. Enjoy our work, as well as immortalize it in the form of writing, photos, and videos. We try our best to provide accurate and reliable documentation.
With detailed, clear, and accurate documentation, it will be easier for us to access and provide that information. The documentation is credible! We try our best in this regard. Because we hope, what we document in the form of content, can be useful for others.


With a specific blog topic, we can enter a community, or even create a forum for that community. Remember the previous 2 points, blogging can be a form of real interaction with one another. This is a lot of fun because sharing resources, which means we help each other. In building a community, be it an online forum, or an offline forum, it is necessary to have valid information that can be trusted. We can come and offer the documentation that we have created, it is possible, in a community that will provide information that we have never known.

Through blogs, we can interact with coffee activists outside Java. We exchange information and document it in the form of articles. The community has an important role in building a quality and trusted blog. Because it is based on literature and practice.

Blogging and Business

We talked about coffee, which is our job and our business. Coupled with the content we share, it will open up a lot of opportunities for now and in the future. To further develop our coffee business, as well as the content that we provide.


We build an image as a medium that documents business activities, especially coffee, build image, and builds community. Although branding itself is not that simple. Dedicating ourselves to the coffee industry, and sharing experiences, over time, although small, we also contribute to the development of the coffee industry in the modern era. Can be a medium that provides information about coffee from a unique perspective. Because we are well aware that the culture of enjoying coffee in Indonesia is truly unique. Through blogging, we can introduce ourselves in detail to the world, because the content, documentation, and all of our specific activities discuss something, For us is coffee.


Once you have a blog, credible content, enter the community, and have a strong branding image, an opportunity will be created. People who will believe, as well as entrust you to promote their products or services. Blogs, with specific content such as ngulikenak.net which specifically discusses coffee, and we also promote a product or service related to coffee. You can do that too. Remember, the benefits obtained are not always in the form of money, because trust, networking, and a good image in society are also an advantage for us.

Making Money on Blog

Let’s talk about one technical thing, Google AdSense. There are millions around the world, offering products and services. After we have the completeness as a blogger, with a concrete form is the traffic on the blog that we build. Do you have hundreds, even visitors on the blog that you create? Sign up for Google AdSense! If the blog you own is happy to serve ads from Google AdSense, you will earn money, and it’s real!

Google AdSense. Tell to people how to make money on blog with Google AdSense
Google AdSense

Why do we say this at the end? Instead of making money, we want you to focus on building content first. Remember the starting point that we worry about documentation, helping each other, building a community, to building a branding image. Everything will be connected, if you have fulfilled everything we discussed, making money through blogs, Google Adsense in particular, will be much easier and you are confident about it.

Blogging Obstacle

Close relative, let us describe our point of view regarding the obstacles and difficulties in blogging.


Mengkonsumsi waktu dan tenaga yang tidBlogs, require you to always provide fresh ideas in every content. Because the blog will “live” if you upload content consistently and regularly, for example, one day for one article. This, of course, will take some time. Of course, this combination of time and effort requires good management, to keep the blog up-to-date, while maintaining the quality of the content.

Technical stuff

There are various platforms that you can use to create a blog, for example, Blogger alias Blogspot from Google, WordPress, and many more. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages. Choose one, whichever is most comfortable for you.
After choosing a platform, you have several important things to consider, including the appearance of the blog that affects the convenience of readers, navigation, information about your blog, SEO, HTML info, CSS, and indexing your blog articles to search engines, determine the right keywords for the blog

Reaserch and More Reaserch

Referring to the technical stuff we started with, we need to do endless research, as long as our blog is live. Keep abreast of developments, both technical and non-technical. Because we want to present a blog with quality content, it needs to be accompanied by a qualified “container”. Blogging, like any other job, requires data research, testing, and finalization.


Blogging is a fun activity because it has various benefits, ranging from structured documentation, trusted sources, building networks, and communities, to being able to make real money. However, it should also be noted that there are several obstacles that must be faced by a blogger, who continuously conducts research to maintain the quality of content, branding, and others.
We will discuss things and non-technical things that need to be prepared, and applied in blogging activities. This time we focus on sharing what perspective and mindset to start blogging. Departing from our concern about blogging which often focuses on how to make money online.

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