October 7, 2024


Writing deep articles into blog posts requires persistence and consistency. Then what next, if one day you run out of ideas to write? This is quite “scary” for me. Especially when writing has become a job, and is no longer just a hobby. I will share, what easy ways can be done to get ideas for writing articles.

Table of Contents

Search Engine

The simplest way is to use a search engine, the one I use the most is Google Search. Simply put, we get access to Google’s index, in the form of articles, video recommendations, images, and more.


google search result of ngulikenak
Search result

Before digging further into keywords, try to write random keywords in search engines. Since we are focused on looking for deep ideas for blog posts, it never hurts to start looking from random sources and ideas. “ngulikenak” was the first keyword that came to my mind, and it showed 811 search results. If you find a topic that is being discussed, such as viral content, the search results can show a much larger number. That is, the ideas you get are also getting wider.

Writing articles with specific topics such as hobbies, recipes, technology, and others, will simplify the scope of our search. If you want to write an article, it would be easier to start with the thing you like the most, right? Suppose you have a hobby about coffee, you can easily get material based on your experience. Tell about experiences and reviews of coffee shops that you usually visit, for example. “coffee” we have got the second keyword, then we can use search engines to serve “coffee” whatever they have.

People also Ask

Many people ask about “coffee“. You can use this to look for references, “what are people’s questions about coffee?” One of the search engine features that will make it easier for us to get ideas because the articles we make try to provide “answers”.

gle search-People also ask "coffee"
Google search-People also ask

Looking at the search results based on the keyword “coffee”, a question pops up by chance “Is coffee made from poop?” One of the short answers is Kopi Luwak. You can dig further and write the research results in your article.

Still, on the same page, you will find keywords that correlate with the keywords that were originally searched for. In my personal opinion, the keywords suggested by the Google search engine are strong enough to be the title of the article.

Google search-Related Searches

Search Column

In the search field, even when you start typing, keywords will appear. You can even find specific discussions about these keywords. Once again, the keywords that appear in my opinion are quite strong. You can use it as a good writing reference.

Google Search-Column
Google Search-Column

As the name implies, this feature from Google presents how popular the keywords we are looking for are. We can easily find out the “level” of the reader’s interest. Interestingly, you will find any words that are often attached to related keyword words.

Google Trends-Coffee
Google Trends-Coffee

I take the example of the local media, I live in Indonesia. One of the detik.com mass media that discusses Oppo’s latest smartphone. If you read the article to the end, then you will find several tags that are closely correlated with the keywords in the article.

Popular Tag
Popular Tag

You can get the same thing from various sources, you can use tags as a reference for writing articles on blogs. Whether it’s tags that are currently popular, news and hot topics that can be “stale”, or topics that are always sought after by people or can’t be stale.

Social Media

On Twitter, for example, you can take trending topics as your writing material. On Facebook, it’s more or less similar, there’s a “Posts” section for you to find out what topics are currently popular. As for Instagram, it can be seen from the popular section of the hashtag. Don’t forget to get ideas from Youtube in the search engine.

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